Friday, May 1, 2009

Little Dr. Trip!

So we took a little trip to Utah to see Halle's endocrinologist and do blood work and the works. Brent's mom and sister live in Utah so we visited with them too! I meant to look up my cousins while there, but the trip went by sooooo quickly. I wish I could stop time sometimes (actually all the time)! Let's make sure we each have a ball! Now it does not matter how heavy the ball is, it is the color that really helps knock down those pins!
(Kelton is in the cheese faze. If you see a camera you look at it and say cheese. It actually is harder than it looks, you must continue to say cheese until the flash goes off)

Frand and the girls (Brents brother-in-law) came and did a little bowling with us and also helped us pick out some good books.

Hayden making one of his funny faces.

Daddy and the girls hoping to knock some pins over!
Daddy and Halle. What cute little boodies!!

Brent's mom is an Esthetician so Halle of course was loving the lippies. She loves and I mean loves girly stuff! Kara passed on the make-up thing, but was up for some blue finger nail polish!

I think I really am a princess!

Are those really my red lips???

Halle did cry when her blood was drawn! She new what was coming and was not happy about it! She showed everyone her arm. Her blood work looked pretty good. She is super allergic to peanuts, ugh!!!


T-licious D-zire and C-hillins said...

I'm glad you made a side note to say you were too busy to call your cousins, or you would have gotten an earful from me!!!!!!!! We were up at Primary's just yesterday.
Cute pics, as always :)

Amy said...

Looks like a fun trip. I want to ask you a few questions about Halles Peanut Allergies, email me at I am really curious about her numbers. I had Thomas' done when he was 1 and am wondering when I need to retest.