Bugs!! My kids love Bugs! Halle comes running to me and says "Mommy hurry come see the Holy Pollie!" I said, "should I take a picture?" She said, "Yes, but he won't say cheese he is too little!"
Reggie brought this Rollie Pollie over for Kara because she is doing a report on bugs and last week Hayden had made her put her Rollie Pollie back in the garden so it would not die, this of course caused many tears, but we are now happy to have another Rollie Pollie to hold.
Halle thinks she should love bugs like the other children, but when she tries to hold them she absolutely freaks out, which in turn causes me to freak. I am not a big bug, snake, spider, shark person.
Our dear little boy Hayden is our save the planet boy and can be seen rescuing earth worms when it rains and putting bugs in the garden (grandma's garden, I don't want you to think we have a garden, I am working on it, well actually I am still in the thinking on it working on it part, but at least it is in my thoughts, right?)
I'll betcha that garden in your thoughts is perfect! No weeds, plenty of sunshine with flourishing plants! :) haha you crack me up! My kids caught 101 rollie pollie bugs in our yard and surroudning areas yesterday.... now I'm upset with myself for not taking pictures of the whole ordeal. Next time I guess. :) And Congrats to Hayden...... awesome honor! :)
I am in the thinking on it working on it part of many things! Love it. Maxwell picked tarantula and Kara picked rollie pollie, how fitting!
I love your fun in the sun post, we LOVE to be outside as much as we can too! COngrats to Hayden! I love that Kade has learned the definition of all those big words like discipline, responsibility, pleasant...here's another shout-out to Pmount too! :) So of all the bugs why did Kade pick the Ant? :) So I/we have to think of how to do a poster about an ANT! :)
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