Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The things we learn if we listen.

Kelton "Mom, Did you know this CTR ring is really strong, and nothing can break it?" "Mom Did you know why this ring is so strong?" Me, "Why", Kelton "Because it has the priesthood!"

Kelton to Brent "Dad who is stronger, All the super hero's in the whole world or Jesus?"

As you can see Kelton is really into strong things! You would think we preached all day long the way Kelton talks, but I have to admit we don't.

Halle was giving me trouble about going to bed! She was really tired and I said "lets say prayers" and she said "No, I don't want to go to bed." So I proceeded to say it was good to pray and that if she was concerned about something Heavenly Father could help her. Then I said are you concerned about anything?" (I really was just trying to distract her from the bed topic, I didn't think she was understanding me) She then looked up at me and said "Yes, Spiders!"

We prayed that the spiders would not get Halle or Mommy and that we could be brave around the spiders! Who new she really was concerned about something!

Monday, March 16, 2009


O.K. , so I really should not be blogging, but here I am blogging. I have a dryer full of clothes that needs to be folded, my house looks like a tornado hit it, and my kitchen is in disarray after the morning craziness of getting everyone off to school and fed. I did however take a shower as Halle hates the way I smell after I workout!! Every morning she tells me to go take a shower and she nearly vomits (seriously she starts gagging and coughing) if I have not brushed my teeth and showered! I never thought I smelled that bad, but children never lie(:

So Halle is practicing her dancing as we speak! She has ballet today and probably will dance until we leave! So here are a couple funny things my kiddos said, I said, "Halle lets go for a walk", and she said, "How about you go for a walk and I will go to grandmas!"

Kelton asked Brent the other day after Halle would not share with him, "Dad how come Jesus keeps making Halle grow bigger, but he never makes her share!" We pray every night for Halle's bones to grow and she is growing, but Kelton is wondering why she is not sharing. Brent tried to throw in the lesson on free agency, but I am not sure it went over well.

Hayden at his school Program! He had a part and did a great job! He was chosen to be in the drama program and when asked if he was liking it he replied, "Um it is embarrassing and I look ridiculous!" He was a mouse. Nothing seems to bother Hayden, so I thought his response was funny! He has an amazing memory! He reads something once and then it is there for good never to be forgotten!

He told us "Mom you will know exactly where I am because I am the loudest singer!" I was expecting him to be really loud, but he was not!

Brent dancing with Halle at the school dance! She had so much fun and was pulling out all her moves!
Brent and Kara dancing it up! Brent is such a good Dad and so much fun! In our primary class the kids think he is so funny! One little girl told him 3 times during class, "You are funny!" She was really cute and even said, "You know you are funnier than me!"

Brent with the girls!!

They had a blast!

Kelton doing the limbo!

I think this might be called cheating!

Best Buds!

Kelton and Kara at their Karate tournament!

Heather, Tyson, and Brody came to Cheer on Kara and Kelton! Brody is so unbelievable cute! We couldn't get enough of him!!

Kelton admiring the medals he won!

Kelton performing for the crowd!

Paying close attention!

This is what I look like most of the time!! Very scary! No wonder Halle gets sick when I breath on her! You can practically smell me through the computer! Brent captured this moment!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Rocker Girl, Phone Talker, 100 percent Halle!

Here are a few funny videos of Halle, well funny to me. The last one had a few more funny ones to go along with it, but it takes forever to download these!! Well, this will give you a little glimpse at my life with our little Halle. Hope they bring you as much laughter as they have us!

Oh, and make sure to silence my music on the right so you can hear!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

HAPPY Kitty Cat Birthday KARA!

Kara was very excited about her birthday and has been counting down for over 3 months now! The day before her Birthday she said, "Mom, you know why I am not getting too excited?" I said, "Why?" and she said, "because if I get to excited I will not be able to sleep tonight and then it will take longer for my birthday to get here!" She was very good at controlling her excitement. Here are the Kitty Cakes I made! I was very proud of these. Kara loved them. She told me "Mom it's O.K. if they don't look exactly like the picture!" Thanks Kara your always so thoughtful..
The Kitty Table! We made Kitty dishes and I made little Kitty ears and tails! I have to say the girls looked very cute!

The Birthday CAT!! Kara decided she wanted to have a Kitten party so we did! Who would have thought that a Cat party would be so much fun!!

The Birthday CAT and her CAT friend!!

The Girls making their cat collars out of beads and bells!

Kara playing the part!

Halle wanted a pink nose!

All the CATS at the party! Their were a couple bats at the party, but they were all over the place so I never got a good picture! These little girls were the sweetest little girls ever!!! I am not even kidding they were so well behaved and so nice and polite. We played a game called I had a little Kitty and he wouldn't scratch you (like duck duck goose), well each little girl made sure that everyone had a turn before they chose someone else. I had not said anything, they just automatically did it. They also made sure everyone had candy when the pinata broke, and were just so kind.

We also made little paw print cup cakes!!

Halle had grandma's help during the party!! Lucky little girl!

Kara and the CAKE!! Can you tell I am proud of my Cake(:

Blowing out the candles with a little BAT close by!

Me and Kara and the Cake!

Opening the presents!

Thanking her fellow Kittens.

The pinata!

It is hard to keep your eyes open when you are swinging so hard!

That night I went in to check on Kara and Kelton after she had gone to bed and she was wearing her Cat ears. I was glad she had such a good time!

The Family Party on Sunday! Hayden got the flu, so it was a little anti climatic!

Grandma gave Kara these cute little Kitty's from her ceramic collection! As you can tell Kara loves animals!

Hugs for Grandma Benge!
Kara reading her Birthday Card. Everyone was very interested!

Hugs for Nanny!

Kara and Grandpa!

Hugs for Grandma! Grandma and Grandpa gave Kara some new books and a stuffed Kitty!

Sharing her new little Kitty with Tiger!

Halle holding Tiger!! She loves Tiger!!

This is the note Kara made for Hayden since he was sick for her Birthday! She also cleaned the entire upstairs! Made all the beds and cleaned Hayden's room really good as a surprise!! All on her Birthday! What would I do with out my little Kara!!

These are the notes Kara makes for me and Brent everyday!

Here is another little note that Kara made for us one Sunday! Every Sunday Kara and Kelton sit down and draw us beautiful pictures and make surprises for us!! As you can tell Kara is a wonderful little girl and we love her so much! We can't imagine life with out her!

It is amazing how much work a party is! I decided this year to save money by having it at my home and making everything! Well, I definitely did not save any money, and I did not save any time, but we did have a lot of fun! What is that quote??? Anything worthwhile takes Effort.