"Mom, what is 10 +10+10+40+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10" He will have me adding forever!
"How much is a dog?" Me "It depends on what kind of dog you want." Kelton, "How about a Yellow dog(oh I guess I should mention he had been watching Old Yeller)" Me, "Do you want a dog?" Kelton, "Yeah, do they have blue ones?" Me, "No, I don't think so." Kelton, "I've heard of a movie called Blue Old Yeller Dog!"
Is T-Rex bigger than this house?
Is T-Rex bigger that 50,100 feet?
Is T-Rex bigger than Garrets house(Garret is a friend that has a big house)?
The Sun is bigger than Garret's house!
Oh how I will miss when my little Kelton does not follow me around chatting to me about everything and anything that pops into his little mind!!
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