Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Interesting Analysis

Kara asks Brent, "dad how come your hair always looks the same even when you have just woken up?" Hayden then asked, "were you born with it like that?" Brent, "yes". Hayden, "so you've always looked like Elvis?" I knew Brent was trying to emulate Elvis's dance moves and spandex jumpsuit style, but I had no idea that the hairdo was also influenced by the king of rock.

The other day Brent said something about Rambo and Halle said, "Who is Rambo?" Hayden answered up with "he is a half-naked man who is skilled in weaponry." I thought the half-naked man thing was an interesting description.


Lyric Payne said...

Was Brent wearing a jumpsuit when he killed the spider? I love the skilled in weaponry comment. True boy! By the way, I got your message, and you are completely welcome. I think Capri is going to be as stubborn as Halle, so it was good experience for me! Halle is so darn cute I can't stand it! And so are you parents, especially pulling up in the mini-cooper!

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

Well I guess we know what Brent will be for Halloween? :)

T-licious D-zire and C-hillins said...

LOL hahaha love it!