Medicine Lady!
So here she is taking her medicine! She is suppose to take her medicine 4 times a day and she hates it! So making a stubborn 3 year old drink 30ml of liquid that tastes yucky 4 times a day is one of my dreaded chores. Today we tried drinking through a straw! I also had told her it was a secret potion that would turn her into a fairy princess, but if she did not drink it it would turn her into a frog (what a mean mom). She didn't believe me, but it only took her 10 minutes to drink it rather than the normal 20 minutes. I have laced it with grape juice too, but that doesn't seem to help. The hardest is when I say time to take your medicine and she looks at me and in the sweetest voice ever says, "No thank you mom!" So if you have any excellent ideas for medicine taking I'm all up for a new idea!
Halle told me today out of the blue, "Mom I love trees and birds, but I don't like basquitos, or flies!" I don't like the flies or basquitos either.
Halle also asked me today if she could go to school. I told her Miss Jen was sick (her teacher, it is also not a school day, she goes across the street 2 days a week for 2 hrs to our neighbors and she thinks it is sooooo fun!) She then asked me in a very worried voice, "Did Miss Jenn eat peanuts?" She was so relieved that Miss Jenn did not eat peanuts, but I don't think she quite understood that Miss Jenn isn't allergic to peanuts, so they don't make her sick like they do Halle!!
Halle told me today out of the blue, "Mom I love trees and birds, but I don't like basquitos, or flies!" I don't like the flies or basquitos either.
Halle also asked me today if she could go to school. I told her Miss Jen was sick (her teacher, it is also not a school day, she goes across the street 2 days a week for 2 hrs to our neighbors and she thinks it is sooooo fun!) She then asked me in a very worried voice, "Did Miss Jenn eat peanuts?" She was so relieved that Miss Jenn did not eat peanuts, but I don't think she quite understood that Miss Jenn isn't allergic to peanuts, so they don't make her sick like they do Halle!!
Good luck with that, that's a lot of time taking medicine, holy cow!! I don't have any ideas however you could try a treat afterwards.
That sure doesn't sound like fun. I hate giving my kids medicine on a regular basis (like antibiotics) even when they like it. Good luck figuring something out. Maybe you could make a chart and every time she takes it she can put a sticker on the chart and then after a certain number of times she gets a toy or something.
Well Ali, I'm quite the expert with medicine, unfortunately :) Toby had to take many different kinds, several times a day for years! We had a routine... I would get all the meds ready, get a drink of something he loved (ie soda, choc milk etc), then I sat him up on the counter. He knew the faster he took his meds, the faster he'd get the drink and get down to run and play again. It wasn't fun, but he got to where he knew exactly what to expect and took meds in record time :) Good luck!!!
Oh and someone bought me the disposable medicine cups after months of washing the stupid things... (it was seriously making me unstable, so I was SO grateful)!! I also used those small cups for the special drink.
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