Halle is finally potty trained!! Actually she was pretty easy. We started thinking about potty training quite a while ago, but I really was not ready for it!
Halle of course decided she needed to wear princess panties and so we did (whatever
Halle says we do). We had a few accidents and went back to diapers. I new she was ready to jump into it full swing when she would ask me "Mom do I have a diaper on?" She new she was not to pee or poop unless she was wearing a diaper. So if I said yes she would then go in her diaper and if I said no she would run into the bathroom and pee in the potty!! Yeah!!!!! Well it was kind of a yeah.
Halle was scared to do her real
business in the toilet ( I mean I don't mind changing wet diapers, it's the
poopy ones that we potty train for, peeing in the toilet is more of an inconvenience especially in public restrooms). So when
Halle would have to go she would get on the potty and go pee and then would jump off and say "I need a diaper!" Of course I would get her one and then she would go and then she would get me the wet wipes and proceed to tell me "change me". OK she is a little bossy. Well Grandma thought of getting a little potty and we did (because what grandma says we also do), well it worked!
Halle love the pink potty and she sat down and told me "go away mom" and when I came back she was all done!!!
YEAH!! I don't much like cleaning a little potty, but I guess it is better than the diaper. Four days and no accidents! Way to go
How liberating! Can you believe NO MORE DIAPERS? Way to go Halle!!!
Yeah!!!! No more diapers for you. I can't wait for the day when we have no diapers.
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