Friday, January 30, 2009

School Kiddos!

Hayden was selected to try out for the Challenge program at school.  He had to memorize two pages of lines and then acted them out.  He was the only student that added an accent to his part.  They only selected a few student and so he was really excite to be chosen.  On Fridays they are bused to another school and learn a play, and then will perform in it.  Hayden also has completed the first three Harry Potter's in one week!  Sometimes I forget to write about my little Hayden who is getting big!
Kara very proud of her ice house!  Her ice cube took 3 hours to melt in this concoction.  She really just wanted it to be beautiful.  I am terrible at these kinds of projects and so is Brent.   Grandma please help us!  I remember my mom always had the best ideas and my project was always the very best!  Sorry kiddos I did not inherit those genes!

O.K. this is my kids all bundled up everyday before school!  It is very cold!  We did get a little sun and it was 35 degrees the other day.  Kara asked me that day "how warm is it?"  I told her 35 and she said, "35 is so warm!!!!!!!!"  and she was serious!

1 comment:

T-licious D-zire and C-hillins said...

Your kids are so cute! I love that Hayden did an accent! :) so cute! That's great that he gets that opportunity, it sounds awesome.