Friday, October 28, 2011

Love The Weather!

Well I thought I better take a couple seconds to update, before all the Halloween pictures!  Our weather is now is so beautiful!  Someone the other day said, "Be grateful for July and August or everyone would live here!"  I have to say I agree.  

 Kara is the queen of butterfly catching.  She catches and catches and catches the butterfly's!  I went to look for a little butterfly container ( I used to have one, but of course I gave it away of course), but Walmart only sells them in the spring!
 Kelton is still trying to get the kids in his class to not take the Lord's name in vain.  He said, "I told my friend it was swearing to say that, and so I don't think he is going to say it anymore!"  I'm glad he is so stalwart in his beliefs.  
 It was crazy sock day today!  The kids all wore their crazy socks!  Dirt Cheap had brand new socks for 50 cents!  They are the really good ones too!  They also had brand new princes panties for 50cents too!  I wish I had a friend to go to Dirt Cheap with!  Someone come visit me and I'll take you to Dirt Cheap.  Just kidding! It's really cheap, but it's really ugly too, so I don't think anyone would want to come all the way here just to go to Dirt Cheap!  Hayden did get a cool shirt there that is covered in mud from Katrina for his Zombie costume.
 Hayden in his First big band performance!!
 He did really good!
 This is before the game started!
 I guess he started getting a little sick to his stomach a little after his performance!

 They were to sit in the band section with the high-school kids until 3rd quarter and then we could pick them up!  Halle fell asleep during the second quarter so I had Brent run me and the other kids home.  My arm was about to fall off.  We ran home and then Brent ran back to get Hayden.  As Brent was getting there Hayden was walking down out of the bleachers.  He had barfed!  He barfed in the bleachers between his legs, but it had splattered all over.  He coincidentally puked right into his friend's tuba mouth piece!  GROSS!

 He came home and was very sick.  Brent went back to clean up the barf and took a big bucket of water to rinse the bleachers off, but instead he ended up just making a big mess.  I guess when he poured the water to rinse the barf off it just caused the barf to spread everywhere.  It pretty much cleared the band out of the stands!  A memory I'm sure Hayden will never forget!  Maybe he could call it his most embarrassing moment, even though I don't think he seemed very embarrassed.  He is refusing to ever where the sweatshirt that got barf on it, so maybe he was a little embarrassed.  He's hard to read that way.
 Kara found her friends at the game and was having a lot of fun with them until they saw a boy there that I guess likes Kara.  Her friends wanted her to go and say HI to him.  Kara was having none of that.  Unlike Hayden she is easily embarrassed.  It took her 15 minutes to even get the courage up to go say HI to one of her friends that she plays with every day!
 Halle decided it was time to take the training wheels off her bike!

 We still have a lot of work!
 Go Halle!

 I will admit we are getting a little tougher down here!  The kids down really complain to much about their bug  bites and when they get a sliver or one of those thorn balls in their feet, they just pull them out with out crying about it!  I think they should just wear their shoes, but I guess if your a kids it doesn't matter where you live, no shoes is the life!  Not for me though!( :
 This is actually a pretty good road in our neighborhood.  Most are terrible.  Lots of big potholes!  To fix the potholes they just dig up the street and then rake it all back down.  It is weird.  I've never seen anything like it.  I should take pictures of all the potholes and then them fixing them occasionally.  It is on my long list of things to do( : You should see me drive the kids to school swerving in and out to miss potholes.  I'm sure I look like I've been drinking, but no I'm just trying to avoid a flat tire.  

 Kara and Kelton decided to run through the sprinklers in their clothes!

 We cleaned up the downstairs a bit and ate outside!  
Kelton and Hayden have decided they want some big muscles so have been doing some working out too!  Kara and Halle continue to sing and sing and sing and sing and sing!  Kara sang a solo in church and did a great job too.  I'll have to video her and put it up here.   All of the kids are taking piano lessons much to their disliking.  There is a lot of screaming, crying, and gnashing of teeth, but they'll be happy I made them.  We continue to eat dinner every night where at least one person absolutely abhors what I've made for dinner.  I continue to wonder how this can really happen, but continue to make gross food anyway. I on the other hand go back and forth on the subject of me getting a job.  Is it a good idea or a bad idea.  No answers have really come to me, so maybe that means well I don't know.  Oh Hayden did get a little WOW from his Reading teacher that said, "Hayden you always try so hard and show a respectful and responsible attitude!"  He brought this home and I started to cry when I read it!  No really I cried!  Hayden asked me why I was crying.   I told him and I could tell he was very pleased with himself.  You just have to know him to know why I was so happy.  He has lots of potential, but sometimes he just seems a little apathetic.  I know if he really tries hard he could really excel, so when I see just a tiny fire in him, it  makes me so happy.  Well i got to run.  Making more copies for my teachers today and it is fall festival tonight at the school, oh and Hayden's school is having a Costume Ball!!!  Fun Fun Fun!!!
I apologize for all of my terrible grammatical errors.  I am afraid that I did not learn grammar like my children are learning and I am just coming to the realization that I probably am completely destroying the English language.  There are so many rules, singular verbs, plural verbs, when to use sang or sung.  Wow I really did not know how much their is to know about English.  So I am apologizing for my ignorance, but alas I will not stop writing.  I will say thank goodness for spell check, because than I really might have to stop writing.( :

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