Oh I forgot to mention that Kara got bumped to another bus on the way home from school and ended up getting off at the wrong stop, so we had a little scare that day when everyone got off of the bus, but our sweet little Kara! Thank goodness someone at the bus stop called me and took Kara over to the gym where Brent was working.
The other day Kara had a substitute teacher. I asked her if she had a good day and she said "no." She always seems to have a great day so I asked, "why didn't you have a good day(of course thinking it was beacause she had a substitute teacher and she missed her teacher)?" She said, "because I had a bad lunch!" Well guess who made her lunch? Yes, that would be me. She does not like sandwiches, and I put a sandwich in her lunch (nice fresh wheat bread, homemade turkey and a little Italian dressing all of which separated she likes)! I was tired of heating something up for her thermos and decided to sneak a sandwich in. What a way to ruin a kids day! The sandwich came home in the lunch box.
Kara got a hold of Halle's play phone while I was listening and this is her one sided conversation Kara "Do you have a lot of chores?.... Oh me too I have tons of chores!... I just hate chores!... Oh really..... I just finished.... I mean what the heck...well maybe later... oh o.k. I'll call you later....uhuh... by!" Kara then pretended the phone rang again and ran and got Halle. As she was coming back down the stairs. Halle said, "Can I call her back?" Kara said, "No if you keep calling that would be annoying!" Halle then pretended to call Kara's friend Madeline and said, "Hi Madeline we can't play right now, but I'll call you back after me and Kara get done playing Barbie.com."
And here they both are waiting to play Barbie.com so that is the end of this little update.
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