Kelton was honored at the school assembly for showing Gratitude at school. His teacher told me she was so grateful to have Kelton in her class because he is such a great student. She said she always uses Kelton's work as the example because he always fully completes all his work and does his very best! She also said that Kelton is very smart and is very good at staying on task. Good job to our little Kelty!
Grandpa took this picture. I think the picture tells the whole story about life at the our home!
Kelton and his fellow grateful students.
Hayden also had a great week at school. He was in his class room play! He did an outstanding job. There were a total of 9 plays and they voted his play as #1! His teacher also told us we should take Hayden to Hollywood!! Hayden had a lot of fun doing the play and was so proud of there play! He memorized all his lines in about 1 day! Boy do I wish I had his memory.
Lexi, Kerri, Grandma, Grandpa and Lexi's friend all came to Hayden's play. He loves an audience and he was so happy to have them come. He was beaming from ear to ear! They also went and watched Halle do Ballet and participated in our school running day! We definitely had some happy kids. We were so lucky to have them!
Kelton's class covered all of their bases by having the kids not only be pilgrims, but also Indians!
Kara's class also feasted on Turkey sandwiches. She reminded me about 100 time about her feast. Right after she ran out the door to catch the bus she peeped her little head back into the house with one last reminder, "Don't forget the cheese mom!!"
Halle's little preschool class also had a feast. I missed it though with all the other feasts I was going to, but as we walked across the street to her little class she said, "mom look at all the frosting!" and then added "even though there is frosting all over the grass we can't eat the grass!"
Oh what fun it is to be a mom! I wonder what other things are not what they seem to my 3 year old. What else have I confused my sweet little child with? I don't know, but it sure is fun finding out!