Saturday, February 23, 2013


 Merry Christmas!

 We did our traditional sing down the stairs and then had a very fun day together.  I really did not take many pictures.  Brent took most of them so he may have to start his own blog or maybe someday I'll get around to adding them, but for now this will have to do!

 Kelton summed it up with, "You know I must have been really good because I got almost everything I wanted.  I wasn't perfect though because I asked for an electric scooter and I just got a regular scooter."  I think he was pretty good Santa's budget just wasn't big enough for an electric scooter this year!

 We joined the Dobbs for their Traditional Christmas Chinese dinner!

 Over the break we played with cousins lots and had lots of Nerf Wars

 We got quite a bit of snow and got stuck in the Dobbs neighborhood on numerous occassions.

 We took the kids iceskating on a very cold night, but had lots of fun still.

 We also took the kids to a Big Horns game!

 Brent managed to kill all the bad guys in our home with his pellet gun while wearing Hayden's jacket and balaclava!
 Thank goodness too because that robber had really made a mess!

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