Monday, May 24, 2010

Ballet Recital

The girls had their end of the year recital! Like usual I took a ton of pictures of my cute girls. Kara and her good friend. They look the same size except in pictures. They are exactly the same age!
Halle Kara and their two little dance and play friends. Halle was so excited to be on stage. She talked about it for weeks. Every day she would wake up and ask "is this the day we go on stage?"

Halle with her ballet teacher.
Everyone gets flowers after the recital. I learned my lesson after the first few times of being the only one that did not bring flowers. I don't know I thought it was silly to bring flowers, but the girls were so disappointed when they did not get any last time that I finally convinced myself that the flowers were kind of like end of the year trophies.

I have to say they loved their flowers!

The girls practiced and practiced their dance until they were totally worn out, but they finally got it down.

Sweet sisters!
Halle just loves Kara! She wants to do everything like Kara. Sometimes Kara gets annoyed being copied by her little sister, but she is slowly working on seeing her mimicking little sister as a compliment rather than an annoyance.

The guys. Hayden and Kelton skipped the performance this year. Aunt Natalie watched them for us. Usually I make them go, but I decided I really wanted to enjoy the performance rather than listen to two little boys continually ask "How much longer?"

My big girl!

My baby girl.

Daddy and his girls.

It was an all day event. We had the rehearsal that morning complete with a fire drill in the middle of the rehearsal. Then lots of running around and coordinating. Brent worked that day so by the end of the day I definitely needed another shower. I really did not want to get in the picture, but hey If I only got in a picture when I thought I looked cute I don't think I would be in any pictures at all!

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