Thursday, March 1, 2012


 Kindergarten Mardi Gras Parade
 All the kindergartners dressed up and threw beads for our Mardi Gras Parade
 This is Halle's class lining up for the parade
 Beads, Beads, and more Beads.  The streets are full of Mardi Gras beads after Mardi Gras.  There are so many beads.  Seriously, I can't believe how many beads are thrown.  Even with all the people to catch them there are still so many just left in the streets.  I guess for the Saint Patrick's Day parade they throw cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions, etc.  Enough to make an entire stew.  
 We built our own floats.  Which as any mother knows is so much work.  Getting the supplies, thinking of all the ideas or at least trying to direct your childs ideas so that the project can actually be done by someone other than an astrophysic, and making sure your child helps so it's not entirely your project.  I'm not very good at that stuff, so mine always looks like my kids did it all by themselves( :
 Halle's teacher handing out more beads!!!
 The kids could barily carry all the beads they were given to throw.  Their arms were so tired by the time we actually got to the parade.

 Down the hall we go!

 All the other kids at the parade trying to catch the beads we were throwing.

 The parade!
 I love kids.  They are always so excited, insightful, and full of life.  So much to learn from a little child.

Mardi Gras is quite an experience.  Carnival starts sometime near the beginning of January.  Carnival is when they start celebrating in anticipation of Mardi Gras.  Mardi Gras actually falls on the day before Lent.  On the stroke of Midnight on Mardi Gras all celebrations cease.  Mardi Gras is as big as Christmas here or I have to say it might actually be bigger.  I'm actually exhausted just writing this post.  I'm glad to be done celebrating.  We didn't even do much celebrating.  Maybe I'm just tired today.  I wish I felt like being more entertaining.
These are what the Mardi Gras colors stand for......
Purple - Justice
Green - Faith
Gold - Power

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